
La meilleure façon de placer votre podcast dans les annuaires les plus populaires

Ananay Batra

Ananay Batra

- 5 minutes de lecture

Now that you have created your podcast and recorded at least one episode, it is crucial to get it out there for your audience to find you on their favorite platforms easily. Getting listed on top podcasting directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts can be overwhelming for new podcasters. Keep reading to discover how Listnr can help you distribute your latest audio content to the most popular platforms and reach a wide audience base worldwide.

Now that you have recorded your podcast, you must distribute it the right way for people to easily find it. Otherwise, all your hard work in creating the podcast will be of no use. To get as many listeners to your podcast as possible, you should ensure making it available across all popular podcast platforms and directories.

And because of end-to-end podcasting solutions like Listnr, the seamless creation, hosting, and distribution of your podcasts on popular platforms have become easier than ever. Let us look at how you can easily distribute your podcasts and reach a wider audience:

Understanding the RSS Feed

The reason people are able to manage a podcast and have it simultaneously on many different directories at the same time is the RSS feed. It acts as a mediator between your content and the directories and updates it live and in real-time on those directories. The more platforms you distribute your RSS feed across, the more listeners your podcast can attract.

The directories check the RSS feed often to look for updated content and accurate information. Hence, if you change the details of your podcasts once, it automatically changes across all the directories at the same time.

That helps you automate the podcast management process and focus on creating and delivering quality audio content to the audience.

Getting It Out There


Listnr FM Podcast Distribution

Podcasting directories are the places where your audience will actually consume your podcast. If you are looking to maximize your podcast’s reach and exposure, you would want your podcast to be on almost all the popular ones to make it as easy as possible for the uninitiated audience to find you and your content.

And to be able to achieve this, you must create and publish your podcast on hosting platforms like Listnr to help generate the required RSS feed and URL for your content. Then create an account on the desired directory and enter your RSS feed URL.

You must then provide all the relevant information about your channel, such as title, category, description, language, episode list, cover art, etc., and review it. Next, you can simply submit your podcast and wait for their approval.

The time taken for your podcast to get approved varies for different platforms. In the case of directories such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts, it might take around two to five working days or a little longer!

That is because they have real people who listen to and review your entire podcast show and decide whether to approve or reject it. And if they encounter a problem, such as a sound quality issue or wrong podcast information, the approval can even take 14 days or longer! So make sure to take care of such possible issues beforehand.

Directories to look for

Some popular podcasting directories for you to aim to get listed on include:

    • Apple Podcasts (iTunes)

Needless to say, Apple podcasts are one of the biggest and most popular podcast directories in the world. It is a significant directory to start with and requires some basic requirements to be met.

You must have at least one episode on your channel and a JPG/PNG podcast cover art between 1400x1400 and 3000x3000 pixels. Furthermore, you must ensure that there is no copyrighted music in your audios.

    • Spotify

With over a third of all podcast listeners using it, this music streaming service turned podcasting app has left Apple and Google behind. Not to mention its rapid popularity provides you with the possibility of attracting different audiences and keeping them engaged with your content in the long term. You just cannot afford to miss out on the vast user-base opportunities it comes with.

    • Stitcher

This platform has very few requirements to distribute your podcast here. And it is popular among podcasters who want to increase their number of local and international listeners. If you get listed here, it will be easier for your podcast to reach more reliable listeners worldwide!

    • iHeartRadio

A simple platform for podcast submission, iHeartRadio is one of the most popular choices for podcasters to distribute their content and gain an enthusiastic audience. It provides personalized podcast recommendations, allowing the audience to try out new stuff and enabling new podcasters to increase their reach.

    • Google Podcasts

It is another popular directory to aim for. It collects audio content on a common topic from across the web, saving the audience time finding relevant podcasts. Furthermore, because of its link to the Google platform, people can see the names of your podcast episodes on the search bar. This makes it even easier for people to discover your content.

To easily distribute your podcasts on top podcasting directories and reach a wide audience, get early access to Listnr FM.


  1. Where can I distribute my podcast?

There are various popular podcasting directories you can distribute your podcasts to and reach a wide audience, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, etc. For this, you can use end-to-end podcast solutions like Listnr that go a long way in enabling podcast creation, hosting, and seamless distribution.

  1. How much does it cost to distribute a podcast?

Platforms like Captivate cost around $12 for 12,000 downloads per month and while Transistor costs the same for 10,000 downloads per month. Other options like RSS offer unlimited episodes and duration, analytics, and sponsor monetization, among other features, for $12.99 a month.

  1. How do I distribute a private podcast?

Some solutions allow you to have a Single Sign-On (SSO) or password-protected broadcasting channels for select people to access your podcast. You can simply copy your RSS feed URL from the hosting platform you use and share it with the intended people.

  1. How do I disseminate a podcast?

To disseminate a podcast, you can leverage feature-rich podcast hosting solutions such as Listnr that allow you to submit your podcast to popular directories like Google Podcasts, Spotify, and iTunes, among many others. This way, your podcast will be able to attract a large number of listeners.

Lancez votre podcast gratuitement !


Ananay Batra

À propos d'Ananay Batra

Fondateur et PDG de Listnr Inc

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